
Astar – The Support Engineer’s Toolset

Aspire major in efficiency and nothing embodies that more than the A* toolset. A tool for analysing efficient support solutions while introducing efficiency into the analytical and publishing process itself.

Key features include:

  • System breakdown structure – the core of the toolset allows a user to accurately define the subject of the study;
  • Intuitive interface – leads a user through the analysis process;
  • Analysis efficiency – A* is designed to allow a user to maximise commonality of families of equipment;
  • Output efficiency – A*, when combined with the Epic Data Transformation Tool, is deigned to go straight from analysis to publications;
  • Revision control – Enables a user to re-analyse or update an analysis without losing the original data.


A good, intuitive analysis tool is only half of the story. You need to present that data and that means…options.

Aspire specialise in data transformation techniques and have a home grown tool that, when combined with A*, enable us to explore those options, quickly.

Aspire Epic.

Whether an output need to be flat MS Word, Excel or Adobe PDF or whether an output can be more adventurous like a fully interactive website – Epic allows us to flick between them at the press of a single button.

The reporting versatility of Epic, when combined with the real-life, logical data structure of A*, becomes a powerful tool that can reduce the need for technical authors in the production of maintenance manuals and schedules.